Got Question? Ask Your Nearest handy man…

Published April 28, 2014 by Tritrigirl

So, I think I’ve finally managed to get Scott to get through my list of honey-do’s for my house.  Today he patched up a place on my chimney that eventually needs replacing but right now needs patching to keep the critters out.  The painting people can replace the hardi-board.

And this week he’s going to come and trim my 2 big trees AND cut down the DEAD one in the front and the little ones that are growing too close for comfort to my back porch.  Effectively saving me about $700.  I’d say I managed to “guilt” him but given that he’s gotten WEEKS of free child care in the past 7 months and is looking at getting at least another week, not to mention leaving on the weekend we’re supposed to do the Real Ale Ride and he’s supposed to be my driver for when I survive the Spartan Race the day after the ride AND that he won’t be back until Saturday of Memorial Day weekend…when I was planning and getting things together for a group camp out at the lake…with other families…because it’s fun…and we need to be outside not working.

He says the trip isn’t approved yet but I know it most likely will be or if it gets cancelled it’ll be too late to book for Memorial Day Weekend.  So, alas, we’ll have to make due with backyard BBQ’s and play time in the pool.  Which isn’t bad, but it’s not camping at the lake.

He’s supposed to accomplish all of it this week.  My hopes are up.  Then I can seriously look at getting quotes for painting.  I’ve estimated between $2000-4000.  Praying for the lower end, but since the house also need some exterior repairs, we’ll see.  It’s costly, but if done right won’t need to be re-done until someone else lives here.  😉  Then this fall when I’m feeling it I’ll yank the carpet in the living room and put down laminate.  That’s something I can do.  After that, all my major wish list of repairs / upgrades will be completed and I can do a happy dance.  And not want to burn my house down periodically because it’s so much WORK.  (Next time will buy something less maintenance-y)

My first race is this coming Sunday.  And the closer it gets the more “focused” I get.  I put that in quotes because I’d be focused if I wasn’t so damn exhausted.  I slept like crap all weekend long and am feeling it.  Was supposed to swim today but got up too late to get to working early so I could sneak out and then next thing I knew it was 1:00 pm and too late to beat the lunchtime swimmers.  After work swimmers are even more plentiful and since Scott now has to teach a class tonight I’ll be with the kids again and missing yoga.  He says I can still go to yoga but the reality is if there’s no one to keep on the Tater boys, chores don’t get done, homework doesn’t get done quickly and bickering always breaks out and then NOTHING gets accomplished.  Frankly I don’t trust them alone on a school night as far as I can drop kick them.  I’m an awful person, I know.

Found a new snack that is almost like crack…they’re called Somersaults and I got them at Costco.  They’re little nuggets of sunflower seed, sesame and salt goodness.  I love them.  And am contemplating hoarding them.  That’s how nummy they are.  Find them.  Eat them.  Hoard them.  And we can be BFFs bonding over our shared love of them.  (We could still be BFFs any way this just might speed the process along)

That’s what’s up in my world.  Happy end of Monday!!

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